1 hour ago

Mike Garey
Our pre-caffeine roundup is a collection of the hottest, strangest, and most amusing stories of the morning.
So the Army is reportedly blocking military access to the Guardian's coverage of NSA leaks.
Here's a really smart thing John Cusack wrote about Edward Snowden.
Oh! And here's the NSA's early years: Exposed!
Set status to "fabulous": Millions of Facebook users "like" gay marriage.
Also, Facebook is fixing to strengthen security with an old-school crypto technique.
(BTW: Even if you don't use Facebook, you may have a shadow profile.)
Alec Baldwin had a homophobic Twitter rant before mysteriously disappearing (again) from the social network.
But all Sean Parker wants is for you to say something nice about his wedding.
Science says there's a difference between geeks and nerds.
Speaking of which, time to rank the 50 hottest guys of "Harry Potter."
And good news everybody! Buttercup the duck got a 3-D-printed replacement for his foul foot.
Compiled by Helen A.S. Popkin, who invites you to join her on Twitter and/or Facebook.
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