There?s no denying the benefits of willpower, but most of us have struggled at one time or another to maintain it long enough to reach our most important goals, and that?s probably because we?ve tried to use it in the wrong way.? If you want to get ahead in your career, or willpower your way to success, here?s how to leverage one of the most valuable tools available to you?
Here?s How To Use It?
There?s no substitute for willpower, despite what the commercials say!? We all know that ?fast and easy? diet pills aren?t the solution to a healthy lifestyle, but it?s a lack of buyers willpower that helps those products become successful.
The problem with willpower is that it provides a quick boost of motivation, which can burn out quickly, and if you don?t know how to use that burst in the best way possible then your level of self-discipline can fall by the wayside very quickly.
Given that willpower is typically a thrust forward, rather than a steady pace, it?s important not to tackle your goals and challenges in a way that requires a high level of willpower everyday because frankly, it?s unsustainable.? Success breeds success so you need a strategy that you can keep up to maintain momentum.
Willpower is great for setting the scene on how to move forward to achieve your goals, and then using that initial thrust of motivation to get moving.? So for example, if you want to change career, the first thing you need to do is to identify all the steps required to make that transition including what career you want to move in to, and then what skills you need to develop in order to make that move.
You might also feel tempted to stay in the ?same old job? because of your financial situation for example, so it would be wise to put together a budget to get your finances in order.? It might also be important for you to set aside time each weekend to study and up-skill,? and to join relevant associations and groups to expand your network in the industry you?re interested in.? You? could also get a Coach or Mentor so that you can learn more about career change, and you might also meet with several recruiters to get their expert advice on how to break into that particular industry.
As you can see, there are lots of different elements involved in achieving this goal, and all of this information would go into a written plan on how to change career.? Then it?s time for action ? and fast!? With focus, you could put a lot of these tasks into action in one day, and by the end of the day you will have used your willpower not to change jobs, but to put into place the conditions you need to make a career change easier.
The key point here is not to use willpower to make the actual change, but to attack your environment in order to set yourself up for that change.? The same goes for setting up a business, working towards a promotion, losing weight and so on ? if you leverage willpower in this way it will make it much easier for you to achieve your goals as you?ll create momentum and build positive habits to help you achieve success.? And remember, once a habit is formed you don?t need much willpower to keep moving forward, which means you?ll find it easier and easier to achieve the things that are most important to you.? The knock-on effect is huge!
Written by Faye Hollands ? Director at Outshine Consulting
Faye is an accomplished Career Coach, Small Business Coach and Productivity Specialist who has successfully coached countless clients on how to create a career they love, get more done in less time, and achieve personal and professional success.
To receive your FREE MP3 download of Faye?s popular teleseminar ?How To Create A Career You Love? and weekly articles to improve your career, business and time management skills click here.
You can contact Faye on +61 2 8323 4335 or email fayehollands@outshineconsulting.com
Source: http://outshineconsulting.com.au/blog/willpower-your-way-to-a-successful-career/
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