Each year the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) produces a report that assesses various aspects of telecommunications in Australia. The latest report
has some interesting findings relevant to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), with a particular emphasis on consumer satisfaction and the perceived benefits of a digital economy.
Facts about usage trends are also covered, including:
In the 12 months to June 2012:
- The total number of smartphone users had increased to 49 per cent of adults, up from 25 per cent in June 2011.
- The number of Australians going online at least once a day increased by eight per cent to 10.8 million.
- Internet subscriptions increased by 17 per cent.
- The volume of data downloaded increased by 52 per cent.
- This increase in data consumption is consistent with the growth in online streaming of digital media.
Consumer perceptions
- The data shows that internet use in Australia is mainstream, and users view it as an integral part of daily life.
- Internet users highly value the ability to participate online, with 71 per cent agreeing that it has improved their everyday lives.
- Most Australians highly value the benefits of being able to undertake social and economic activities online.
- Increased accessibility, convenience and time-efficiencies are the key benefits users enjoy about the internet.
If you would like to see the entire report (or just specific chapters), consider visiting the ACMA website .
To complement the Communications Report 2011-12, ACMA also released three smaller, more targeted reports about how convergence is transforming media communications and how to facilitate growth in the digital economy.
We?ll be covering each report in a blog post over the next few weeks so stay tuned, or follow #digibiz on Twitter. The topics include:
- Online video content services in Australia;
- Australia?s progress in the digital economy; and
- Smartphones and tablets.
Daniel, DBCDE
Source: http://www.digitalbusiness.gov.au/2013/02/25/digital-consumer-trends-and-perceptions-acma/
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